Wifi Free in Inner City of Monte San Savino

- Tourists: this kind of users can access independently using their mobile phone number; after the registration phase they will receive their password by an SMS message, the user will then be bound to the mobile device that made the request and will have free access for 7 days with a daily limit of 500Mbyte traffic and a connection speeds of 2 Mb / s in download and 1 Mb / s upload.
- Citizens: this kind of users are already pre-registered within the system one user for each head of the family residing in the town of Monte San Savino, these credentials are available at the Tourist Office that will issue to anyone who requests them. Every single access will be used on up to 5 different mobile devices so that the whole family can use the same login credentials. Access never expire, but a daily limit of 100Mbyte traffic and connection speeds equal to 1 Mb / s download and 256Kb / s upload.

Once you've got your credentials, which can be formed from No. of cell and password for tourists or by user name and password for citizens, just open a browser on your mobile devices (internet explorer, safari, chrome. ..) and type in any web address (eg. www.google.it): instead of the page called you will see the web page access of the captive portal where you can just simply insert your credentials.
The credentials will be validated and, if correct, you will be directed to the main page of the website of the City of Monte San Savino from this time your device is connected to the Internet and will have access to any server and any service.
Warning: access will be kept alive while there are active connections, after a period of inactivity of about 10 minutes the system will drop the connection and you will have to repeat the insertion of the credentials again to reopen the connection. Some models of smartphones and tablets do that in a completely automatic and transparent manner.
Estate Savinese 2014 - Presentazione

Molte le iniziative culturali organizzate e patrocinate dall'amministrazione comunale con l'inteneto di rendere Monte San Savino un luogo indiscusso di attrazione per presenze italiane e straniere oltre polo di aggregazione per famiglie e giovani.
Tourism Professionals
Guides |
Name | Address | Phone | Places | Languages | |
Boerwinkel Mirjam | Loc. Polveraia, 334 | 348.4088910 | Arezzo e provincia | Dutch, English, German | This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. |
Koosolap Bohdan | Loc. Poggiolo, 339 | 333.8926696 | Firenze e provincia | Russian | This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. |
Tour Guides |
Name | Address | Phone | Languages | |
Cacace Costanze | Emigrata (Massa Lubrenze - Na) | 338.5950153 | English, French, German | This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. |
Razzetti Angela Chiara | Emigrata (Civitavecchia - Roma) | 339.5377281 | English, French, German | |
Giombetti Elisabetta | Alberoro - Loc. Poggio di Mezzo, 24/A | 347.4156858 | Russian, Spanish | This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. |
Viglione Serena | Loc. Pino Pantano, 530 | 333.6471910 | English, French, Spanish | This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. |
Scriboni Andra | Montagnano - Via Torresi Trescore, 24 | 333.2959838 | English, French, German | This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. |