Corpo Forestale - Stazione di Monte San SavinoTrekking - Municpality of Monte San Savino

Thanks to the initiative promoted by the control of the Forest Service of the local station of Monte San Savino, we provide the list of paths that can be covered within our territory.

track is accompanied by an interactive GoogleMap in order to learn its geolocation, as well as a GPX file that you can download and carry on yours
satellite pointing device.

Gargonza - Verniana

Trekking Route - Gargonza - Verniana

Le Gorghe - Monte San Savino

Trekking Route Le Gorghe - Monte San Savino

Palazzuolo - Cavalbianco

Trekking Route Palazzuolo - CavalBianco

Palazzuolo - La Casa

Trekking Route Palazzuolo - La Casa

Palazzuolo Alto - Molin del Diavolo

Trekking Route Palazzuolo Alto - Molin del Diavolo


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Comune di Monte San Savino

Centralino: 0575.81771
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Ufficio del Turismo

Tel: 0575.849418
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Farmacia Comunale
Farmacia Paturzo
Farmacia Biancotti