Gargonza - Verniana

Percorso Trekking Gargonza - Verniana

File Gpx da scaricare

Percorso in formato gpx da poter caricare sui propri strumenti GPS

Dati Tecnici


File name =               Gargonza-Verniana.gpx                                    
Number of tracks          1                                                        
Number of trackpoints     313                                                      
Tracks (from 1 to 1)                                                               
Name                      Start Coordinate                  Alt(m)  Dist(m) Duration
11-DIC-13 11:10:34        1716546 4802167                    525.0     4561     3547
Final trackpoint          1717929 4804598                    281.3                 
North, East, Maximum      1717919 4804896                    546.6                 
Mean Position             1716740 4803476                    457.8                 
South, West, Minimum      1716124 4802153                    281.3                 
                                              Recorded  Unrecorded                 
Distance(m)                                       4561           0                 
Gross ascent(m)                                   97.6         0.0                 
Gross descent(m)                                 341.3         0.0                 
End to Start(m)           2797

Profilo Altimetrico

Percorso Trekking Gargonza - Verniana
Percorso Trekking Gargonza - Verniana - Percorso Trekking Gargonza - Verniana


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